Pagosa Springs Lift Station

Pagosa Springs, CO
Elevation 7126 ft

Assisted the GID with planning and conceptual design for lift station improvements

The Pagosa Springs Sanitation General Improvement District (PSSGID) is an extension of the Town of Pagosa Springs and serves 1,500 customers with sewer services throughout the Town and some surrounding areas. The District hired RFE in 2023 to assess the status of the existing infrastructure and formulate a plan for replacement and funding. RFE took inventory of all system assets, developed cost estimates for replacement, and compiled a capital improvement plan for the District. RFE assessed several improvement options for the two major lift stations that the PSSGID operates. The assessment included future demand considerations and flow increases, pre-treatment of flow prior to pumping, odor control, and the evaluation of specific technologies at the existing lift stations to remove grit, debris, grease, and other constituents. RFE conducted a life cycle cost analysis to determine the best solution for the PSSGID to pursue. Currently, RFE is assisting the PSSGID with obtaining funding for collection system improvements, and planning for a new lift station design and permitting effort.
About this project
• Conducted a system evaluation considering capital and maintenance requirements for the lift stations and collection system
• Evaluated pre-treatment options for the protection of the two major pump stations, including grinder, aerator, basin design configuration, chopper pumps, and other wet well technologies
• Assessed the cost feasibility of these options while considering larger plans for the GID
• Completed a rate study for the PSSGID under several alternative scenarios
• Assisted with pursuing state and federal funding to pay for all recommended capital improvement projects
• Presented options and discussed alternatives with the Town board
• Collaborated closely with GID staff and Town staff throughout the project and during the development of final recommendations