Pedestrian Underpass at Tree Farm

El Jebel, CO
Elevation 6,634 ft

Designing and developing a pedestrian underpass connection on Highway 82

RFE designed a new pedestrian underpass connection from Willits to the Tree Farm development. The design included new ramps, accessible access, stairs, grading, drainage, and retaining walls. The deep utility infrastructure included water, sewer, and stormwater mains. The underpass connection required coordination with CDOT, as it was located within its right-of-way. The project also involved the design of a RFTA bus stop and the integration of fiber optic connections within Highway 82 to enable the traffic signals to function with the new Tree Farm entrance.
About this project
• Pedestrian Underpass Connection Design
• CDOT Coordination
• Road and Site Design​
• Deep Utility Design
• Design of Connections for Existing Roads, Underpass Connection, RFTA Bus Stop, and Fiber Optic Connections