Spring Valley PUD

Garfield County, CO
Elevation 6,824 ft

Civil engineering for 59 home sites at Spring Valley in Garfield County, CO.

RFE completed final plat civil engineering documents for Phases 1&2 of the Spring Valley PUD in Garfield County. Phase 1&2 consists of 59 home sites and the entire subdivision has preliminary plan approval for 540 homesites spread over 6800 acres. This PUD is the largest in Garfield County.
About this project
• Design and permitting of a new community water system • Offsite sewer collection trunk line was design • Hydraulic modeling of water and sewer system • Widening County Road 114 • Design of a 5-mile fire access road • Design of a runoff conveyance system • Preparation of an Engineers Opinion of Probable Cost (EOPC) • Obtained will-serve letter, design and costing from all utilities