What we do

We work with great clients and staff to produce excellent work throughout Colorado’s mountain communities.


Our integrated site design harmonizes landscaping, architecture, and infrastructure to create sustainable environments that seamlessly blend with their surroundings. We optimize functionality, aesthetics, and environmental impact.

We’ll assess and plan new land slopes, drainage and earthwork to guarantee a stable water management and erosion control system. Achieve your desired elevations, contours and drainage patterns with our Colorado civil engineering team today.

Dispose of your wastewater safely and efficiently with Roaring Fork Engineering designs today. We design systems to seamlessly collect and transport wastewater to and from your desired locations and facilities.

Our water distribution design service aims to analyze, plan and implement systems to transport water from its source to consumers with maximum efficiency. We cover everything from pipe layout to storage facilities to water quality standards in our plans.

Our hydraulic modeling of infrastructure simulates the behavior of water flow, pressure and more through computational techniques. We’ll model pipeline performance, stormwater drainage networks, sewage systems and any other hydraulic structures your project requires, while keeping your unique conditions in mind.

Prevent flooding and manage your rainwater runoff with our stormwater management services. Whether you need drainage networks, retention ponds or green solutions like rain gardens and permeable pavement, we’re prepared to create the perfect flooding mitigation system.

Our shallow utilies & utility layout planning services will tailor the ideal layout for your critical infrastructure. From fiber optics to natural gas distribution, we aim to minimize headaches during construction and maintenance.

Our experienced civil engineers will guide you on the regulatory processes for land development projects. Need to submit a zoning change or acquire a land use permit? We can help with preparation and submission, too.

Our erosion control services offer complete strategies to handle sedimentation concerns. From silt fences to vegetative buffers and erosion control blankets, we’re ready to suport your sustainable land development projects.

The tree farm by Roaring Fork Engineering


  • Research federal and state funding opportunities
  • Prepare and submit grant and loan applications
  • Design and permit to meet funding program requirements
  • Develop infrastructure capital improvement plans, asset management plans, and equipment replacement plans
  • Prepare cost estimates at varying class levels
  • Utilize data to identify patterns of usage, population, and anticipated growth
  • Design rate studies that meet the current future needs of our clients
  • All our rate studies are compliant with AWWA and WEF standard practices
  • Design and permitting for water and wastewater treatment plant design
  • Plant 3D design renderings and space organization
  • Design and permitting support for potable water distribution systems
  • Hydraulic modeling analysis
  • Fire flow analysis
  • Design and permitting support for sewer collection systems
  • Storm and sanitary analysis
  • Design and permitting support for sewer lift stations and potable water booster pump stations
  • Hydraulic modeling analysis
  • Develop all CDPHE compliant required documents including Basis of Design Report, Process Design Report, Site Applications, and supporting documentation
Basalt sanitation plant

Water Resources

  • Design and permitting support for Jurisdictional and Non-Jurisdictional dams and reservoirs
  • Feasibility assessments for dams, water support and hydropower installations
  • Pond/reservoir dam breach modeling
  • Inundation mapping for hazard classifications and emergency preparedness plans
  • Flood/channel modeling
  • FEMA flood zone mapping
  • LOMA & LOMR support
  • Hydrologic Analysis
  • Watershed Modeling
  • Debris flow modeling
  • Geologic and alluvial geomorphologic hazard impact analsysis
  • Post-wildfire impact analysis
  • Design and permitting support for groundwater wells
  • Testing and water quality analysis for new and existing wells

Land Surveying

Our boundary surveys provide precise measurements of property lines in order to establish legal boundaries.

Our topographic surveys measure elevation and contours of land features on your site.

Our construction surveys are designed to monitor and verify the placement of structures during the building process.

Our construction staking services mark the exact locations for building elements on-site.

Our ALTA/NSPS land title surveys assess the property boundaries, improvements, and easements for title insurance purposes.

Our subdivision surveys divide parcels of land into smaller lots for development or sale.

Our floodplain surveys determine the boundaries and elevation of areas prone to flooding.

A Roaring Fork Engineering Surveyor

Construction Administration

Our project oversight services will assist with scheduling, budgeting, quality control, safety and reporting.

Our integrated site design harmonizes landscaping, architecture, and infrastructure to create sustainable environments that seamlessly blend with their surroundings. We optimize functionality, aesthetics, and environmental impact.

We’ll assess and plan new land slopes, drainage and earthwork to guarantee a stable water management and erosion control system. Achieve your desired elevations, contours and drainage patterns with our Colorado civil engineering team today.

Dispose of your wastewater safely and efficiently with Roaring Fork Engineering designs today. We design systems to seamlessly collect and transport wastewater to and from your desired locations and facilities.

Our water distribution design service aims to analyze, plan and implement systems to transport water from its source to consumers with maximum efficiency. We cover everything from pipe layout to storage facilities to water quality standards in our plans.

Our hydraulic modeling of infrastructure simulates the behavior of water flow, pressure and more through computational techniques. We’ll model pipeline performance, stormwater drainage networks, sewage systems and any other hydraulic structures your project requires, while keeping your unique conditions in mind.

Prevent flooding and manage your rainwater runoff with our stormwater management services. Whether you need drainage networks, retention ponds or green solutions like rain gardens and permeable pavement, we’re prepared to create the perfect flooding mitigation system.

Our shallow utilies & utility layout planning services will tailor the ideal layout for your critical infrastructure. From fiber optics to natural gas distribution, we aim to minimize headaches during construction and maintenance.

Our experienced civil engineers will guide you on the regulatory processes for land development projects. Need to submit a zoning change or acquire a land use permit? We can help with preparation and submission, too.

Our erosion control services offer complete strategies to handle sedimentation concerns. From silt fences to vegetative buffers and erosion control blankets, we’re ready to suport your sustainable land development projects.

Our experts will assess project expenses, submit project-related documents for review, and provide clarification or supplemental information as needed.

Our field and value engineering services ensure adherence to design specifications, resolve technical issues and identify opportunities to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance performance.

We can provide recommendations for stormwater management on your construction site to allow your workers to work without being hampered by weather conditions.

Our utility and ROW (Right-of-Way) inspections assess the condition and compliance of utility infrastructure and land use along designated rights-of-way. We keep your project sites functional, safe and compliant.

Carbondale marketplace